Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Hier spricht der antirassistische Antifaschist: “Hitler, Du Schwuchtel, nicht nur dass Du ein verdammter Faschist warst, Du hast auch Deinen Job nicht zu ende gebracht…”

So in ungefähr sehen auch die Leute aus, die in Deutschland für die Muslime auf die Strasse gehen:

Greece: “Hitler, you faggot, not only were you a damn fascist but you did not finish the job either…”

an analysis on the upcoming elections by antifascists in Greece.
There are party officials in Syriza who have more than instrumental relations with the far-right. Th. Karypidis, Syriza official in north Greece, and link with Aneksartitoi Ellines, caught media attention when he claimed on facebook that state TV is “controlled by jews”. In the same vein, E. Andriopoulou, Syriza representative, commenting on the military conflict in Gaza on her facebook said: “ Hitler, you faggot, not only were you a damn fascist but you did not finish the job either…”. We dread to think what will happen to the jewish communities in Greece, with Syriza in government, should there be another military event in the middle East…
More: Dawn of the Greeks, h/t Glykosymoritis

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