Wednesday, April 26, 2006

WM-Ahmadinejad:Stoppt Ihn.Unterschreibt hier!

Wie das Simon Wiesenthal Center in einer eiligen Nachricht berichtete, wurde eine Kampagne gegen den Besuch Ahmadenijads in Deutschland in Rahmen eines Besuches einerseits und während der WM andererseits organisiert.Es ist unerträglich, wie das SWC richtig feststellt, das die iranische Fussball-Nationalmannschaft in Nürnerg, dem zentralen Ort zahlreicher Aktivitäten der NSDAP in einem Fussballstadion spielen wird. Desweiteren werden offizielle des Staates Iran in der VIP-Tribüne Platz nehmen- an der selben Stelle, wie es 1939 führende Vertreter des Nationalsozialismus taten.Besonders an dem Gedenktag des Holocaust (natürlich auch anderen Tagen), sollte man sich dieser historischen Parallen angesichts der Äusserungen Ahmadenijads bezüglich der Vernichtung Israels und der nuklearen Aufrüstung des Irans bewusst sein und handeln. Wie so oft, kann es auch diesmal nur eine Unterschriftenliste sein, aber dies ist immerhin eine Chance, etwas zu tun.Hier nochmal der Originalaufruf des Simon Wiesenthal Center;
Today, as millions of people around the world commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day and remember the six million Jews who were murdered by the Nazis during World War II, there is one world leader committed to completing Adolf Hitler's vision.Sixty-one years since the end of the Shoah, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is calling for Israel's annihilation, even as he constantly vilifies the Jewish people, and labels the Nazi Holocaust a "myth".This week, after learning of the reported planned attendance by Iran's President at the World Cup in Germany this June, an immediate protest was launched by the Simon Wiesenthal Center. We are now asking you to join with us to strengthen our campaign to bar Iran's President from being an honored guest at one of the world's most prestigious sporting events.The Iranian President (pictured left) is pursuing his dangerous and inflammatory campaign against Israel and the Jews, even as he rushes to nuclearize Iran. The international community must show that there are consequences for such policies. Allowing Ahmadinejad to sit in the VIP section at the World Cup would conjure up bitter memories of the 1936 Olympic Games when leaders of the Third Reich sat in the VIP section in Berlin, a move that gained them stature and acceptance throughout the world.Ironically, Iran's national soccer team will play in Nuremberg's stadium, just a stone's throw from the very first Nazi marches. And, while Nuremberg's mayor hopes to prevent the visit, he is preparing the city for demonstrations in support of Ahmadinejad and for marches by neo-Nazis hoping to welcome a kindred spirit from Tehran.Please join us in urging the President of the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), Mr. Joseph S. Blatter, to bar President Ahmadinejad from attending the games unless and until he withdraws his statements denying the Nazi Holocaust and calling for the obliteration of the State of Israel.Ahmadinejad's attendance would be a desecration of the memory of the Jews murdered by the Nazis, would make a mockery of their suffering, and would only further embolden his dangerous regime.Add your voice today to our urgent campaign now. By clicking here you will be sending a letter directly to Mr. Joseph Blatter demanding that action be taken. After signing the petition please forward to your friends, family, and colleagues.Please help support this urgent campaign. Your contribution will help continue our crucial work on your behalf.

Das SWC hat eine Formularmail vorbereitet (für die Schreibfaulen), in der man lediglich seinen Namen und seine Konatktdaten eintragen muss, welche direkt an Joseph Blatter, Präsident der FIFA, versendet wird.Unterstützt diese Aktion!

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