Friday, July 07, 2006

Gericht: Kopftuch ist O.K. Hakenkreuzfahne demnächst auch.

Das Land Baden-Württemberg hat im Kopftuchstreit mit einer Stuttgarter Lehrerin eine schwere Schlappe erlitten. Das Verwaltungsgericht Stuttgart gab am Freitag der Klage der deutschen Muslimin gegen eine Anweisung der Landesbehörden statt, ihr Kopftuch im Unterricht abzulegen.


  1. There are several popular weight loss plans, such Slimlinic Keto as the Atkins diet, Mediterranean diet, Zone diet, and the South Beach diet. These plans are not aimed at weight loss, but a generally healthier lifestyle.

  2. Fitness experts also recommend we should walk Slim X Genie Keto 10,000 steps a day to maintain good health and weight. Most of us would be lucky to achieve half that in an average day.

  3. Most of the cookbooks do not adhere to Super Cut Keto proper food combination and break the law of adding protein, starches, and sugar, just like McDonald's.
