Saturday, December 12, 2009

STOP THE BOMB richtet Sonderseite gegen Ahmadinejad-Auftritt auf Klimakonferenz ein

Am 17. und 18. Dezember soll der iranische Präsident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad im Rahmen der UN-Klimakonferenz in Kopenhagen auftreten. STOP THE BOMB wird vor Ort demonstrieren und hat zudem eine Sonderseite eingerichtet, auf der Sie alle Details zu den Protesten finden. Zudem können Sie dort eine an die europäischen KonferenzteilnehmerInnen gerichtete Online-Petition unterzeichnen und einen Protestbrief an das Hilton-Hotel absenden, in dem die iranische Delegation residieren will.

1 comment:

IGD/ZMD-Ikhwanis Verbieten said...

bann the bomb bann the mad Achmadinejad


Pamela Sc.


Dear Sir or Madam,

There shouldn't be invitations to an atomic New Hitler like your guest Ahmadinejad. A dangerous man for the Iranian People at first, and for the rest of our blue planet too. Islamism is terrorism, especially if it is the head of the state. Throw this guy out before he is using his islamic Enola Gay Allah hell bomb and help to isolate this satanic verse of "religion" in action. Bann him or bring him to the Interantional Court of Den Haag either.

In a few days Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be arriving in Copenhagen for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP15). For years the Iranian dictatorship has been one of the world’s most oppressive regimes, without any respect for the welfare and human rights of its citizens including those of, women, homosexuals, religious and national minorities, and its political opposition.

According to Amnesty International more than 175 people were executed in the last two years. As a result, the Islamic Republic of Iran is the country that has the largest rate of executions in the world in relation to its population and the country in which the most minors were executed. Since the June 2009 elections numerous individuals have been executed. Their crime: Raising their critical voices against Ahmadinejad and his regime.

Mahmoud Ahmadinehad has on several occasions misused his international immunity to poison UN conferences with his hateful rhetoric against Jews, homosexuals and the Western world. He has repeatedly denied the Holocaust and called for the destruction of the state of Israel. During COP15 is it expected that Ahmadinejad once again will misuse the framework of an international conference to be spreading his hate-filled ideology from the immunity of the UN Chair.

Moreover, the Iranian regime is violating United Nations resolutions for years as they continue to build nuclear weapons that threatens Israel and Europe, and most likely will start a nuclear race in the Middle East. Iran has been a main sponsor of international terrorism and is responsible for carrying out attacks worldwide.

By doing business with the Iranian government the your hotel is accepting blood money from a regime that brutally suppresses its own people and that is a danger to global security and peace. Moreover, by giving legitimacy to Ahmadinejad, your hotel is serving as a bullhorn for the propaganda of an illegitimate leader of a brutal theocratic dictatorship.

Regards, Pamela Sc.....Frankfurt Germany