Monday, June 01, 2015

Diet-Cola Kopftuch-Muslimin hat Kontakte zu raikalen Islamisten !

Wen die deutsche Dhimmi-Presse so alles als Opfer beweint:

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Ahmad (center) with terror-connected Imam Suhaib Webb (left), Facebook 

Ahmad is “well-known” to Yasir Qadhi, a cleric who she has frequently invited to speak to the student body at Northwestern. An audio tape of one of Qadhi’s sermons revealed that he once called for Muslims to wage holy war against non-Muslims. During his speech, Qadhi went on to discuss how he did not believe that the Holocaust had ever occurred.
In April 2014, Ahmad joined an MPAC (Muslim Public Affairs Council) delegation of American Muslim women, who partnered with the White House “to host a historic forum recognizing the contributions of American Muslim women.” MPAC, like the MAS and ICNA, was originally founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood. The group has in the past endorsed a paper that rejects the designations of Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations. In 2009, the group hosted a protest where demonstrators called for the annihilation of the State of Israel.


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